FUSIX UI allows users to search for a particular component within source code. It presents users with various search options to select, when all change set descriptions are selected, it concatenates them to produce a document of search results to the user. The list of components that the library finds are ranked by the most highly relevant to the least.
The UI comprises of the following
Query - What the users is searching for
Project - The 8 projects used in this study
Granularity - Two types can be chosen. 'File' the whole document is checked. 'Method' only the methods are checked to find where the functionality is implemented.
Recentness - 'Recent' being the most recent change sets and 'Historical' being all change sets.
App type - This is where you select or mix the comments and the change set description. 'Base type' is the base line i.e. comments and identifers, textual tokens concatenate them together to build the document. 'Plus' is where both are combined.