To take a look at a closer granularity between relationships simply select a folder from either the incoming or outgoing dependencies. You’ll notice that the ‘Relations’ panel has now become populated. You’ll see that there are 3 tabs on this panel, ‘Feature Relations’, ‘Incoming Relations’ and ‘Outgoing Relations’. The ‘Feature Relations’ tab looks at the relationship to the feature that you have in the ‘Feature IO’ panel. The ‘Relations’ panel shows you the files and the line numbers involved that access features within the code. If you click to the ‘Incoming Relationships’ you can expand on the above, to not only include relationships with your feature but all of the relationships, and by clicking on ‘Outgoing Relationships’ you can see all of the outgoing relationships. To explore a finer level of granularity and examine the source code of the feature, simply select a file and reference from the ‘Feature Relations’ tab. If you double click on your selection you will see the exact line where the reference is made to the feature If you right click on your selection and select ‘Show Target’ you can jump directly to the target your ‘Feature Relation’ selection is looking at. You will notice that this will open a new window in the ‘Model’ panel showing the file that your selected relationship was discussing.
FLINTS Finer Granularity (Source Code)
Finer Granularity (Source Code)