
About Lero Research

Lero is the Irish software research centre.It brings together leading software research teams from Universities and Institutes of Technology in a coordinated centre of research excellence with a strong industry focus. Lero has raised the level and profile of Irish software research with such effect that it is now one of the best known and highly regarded software-related research centres in the world.  The centre has the proven capacity to attract and retain global research leaders and to make a substantial contribution both to software-related research and to the Irish economy. The Lero Centre is supported by a Research Centre grant from SFI, by other state grants, by industry contributions and by external funding (particularly the EU’s research programmes). Lero interfaces with a wide range of industry, state agencies, educational bodies and international collaborators to deliver on its twin goals of research excellence and social and economic relevance.

Empirically studying software practitioners – bridging the gap between theory and practice


It is the view of many computer scientists that the standard of empirical software engineering research leaves scope for improvement. However, there is also an increasing awareness in the software engineering community that empirical studies are a vital aspect in the process of improving methods and tools, for software development and maintenance. This paper presents a review of the empirical work carried out to date in the area of program comprehension and illustrates that most of the evidence from these studies derives from lab-based experiments, thus implying a degree of artificial control. The paper argues that, in order to address the methodological shortfalls of the experimental paradigm, more qualitative methods need to be applied to accompany and support these quantitative studies, thus broadening the sources of data and increasing the ‘body of evidence’.